Thank you to our donors for the 2020/2021 season:
Samantha Antell, Stacey Dale-Schuetz, Anna Davison, Jessica Drummond, Maureen Fletcher,
Rachael Harding, Denise Holbrook, Hayley Karcher, Michelle Milner, Jeff Pittman, MK Rainey,
Wendy Turner, Diane Upton, Christy Sinkey and Grace Studios School of Dance
We would like to thank all of the individuals who donated
through our Fiscal Sponsor For the 2019/2020 season:
Nuts and Bolts: Anthony Alterio, Kat Gurley, Michelle and Jim Lawrence, Molly Pearson, Summer Rader, Angie Simmons
Gears: Treasa Craig, Erin Giles, Jessica Hergenreter, Christy Sinkey, Kacey Valentine
Gaskets: Stacey Dale, Mary Kjelsrud, Michelle Milner, Wendy Turner Photography
Pistons: Diane Upton
Fuel: John Pittman